OSCE Minsk Group – all are Christian countries and Armenianophiles, Turkey should step in
Armenian Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan says that Turkey cannot take part in the negotiations in any way. Understand. They don’t like Turkey.

Then, let’s look at the composition of the OSCE Minsk Group. All three are Christian countries, yes, yes, all are Christian countries.
One of them – the USA applied the 907th amendment against Azerbaijan, under the influence of the Armenian lobby they are taking steps against Azerbaijan, the US media is biased towards Azerbaijan, etc. They show themselves to be completely Armenianophiles, and this is no secret to anyone.
Russia is Armenia’s closest ally, donated to Armenia a lot of weapons worth billions of dollars, 99% of the Russian media are supporters of Armenia, the entire media of Russia, state bodies are filled with Armenians.
France – French President Emmanuel Macron behaves like Prime Minister of Armenia and Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian behaves like Armenian Foreign Minister. 99.99% of the French media are Armenianophiles. They represent a new kind of injustice, partiality, and hostility.
What should now Azerbaijan do alone with Armenia and its three allies, how to conduct substantive negotiations with them? What vile, insidious and shameless people are these Armenian politicians! Allah is great, and I believe that the Great Creator will turn their game against them.
God willing, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Ukraine and other friendly and Islamic states will begin to cooperate more closely with Azerbaijan so that these substantive negotiations would shand with a huge fist on the head of the criminal regime of Armenia.
How much injustice, dishonesty, godlessness. How ugly the world is ruled. And then they wonder why there is so much terrorism in the world. Because you are trying to make the right wrong …
May Allah protect our country, and will certainly preserve it. Victory is ours. They will break the truce, they will not sit quietly, then we will hit them without concessions, even they won’t be able to take their dead from the battlefield should they again make provocations against Azerbaijan.
Little remains until the victory!
As I was writing this, the phone rang. An aged old friend of mine called. One son is a colonel, the other is a lieutenant colonel, and another is a military commissar of one of the districts. He said: I swear by the one Allah, I agree that all three of my sons become martyrs, if only our lands were liberated. End of quote …