Winning Opportunities of Opposition
Another chance is arisen for occurrence of political activity and democratic changes in Azerbaijan. We realize this chance. Initiatives and recommendations put forward by us on unification of opposition even by a cost of some concessions is a logical conclusion of just this chance’s evaluation. Our position leans upon clear and sincere basis.
Leading and real opposition parities’ participation as an indivisible bloc with a serious list in a forthcoming parliament election has become a social order. This unity format is clearly revealed in article “How I see opposition unification” written by Ali Kerimli on January 25, 2010.
One citation from article: “If we achieve real opposition unification we first of all can restore citizens’ interest and dead hope to politics. Not any single party but just real oppositions’ election bloc can unite authoritative public figures, intellectuals, independent and young writers, active youngsters not having chosen political choices yet, all democratic forces on the whole by its side. By granting opposition unification we’ll be offering citizen single choice: on one side corrupted team of government, on the other side unified opposition’s election bloc. As for you, who the people will choose in this case?
Different ways of elucidation, interpretation and word-play arose after this article. But main point remained unchanged. And that main point is unification of opposition. Besides unification format, efforts on strategy and tactics must be continuing. There are some processes ongoing in PFPA towards it.
Besides opposition limits, target must be clear too in opposition camp. We must clearly state what we are struggling with. Do we have to content ourselves with 5 or 6 seats in parliament or get more triumph?
Opposition leaders-Ali Kerimli, Isa Gambar, Mirmahmud Miralioglu, Mrs. Lala Shovkat Hajiyeva and the others’ initiatives and strong wills on unification can be acknowledged as a successful point in recent times. But if the initiatives get resulted in real unification!
Other forces with the same targets and aims must also be involved to this process by considering their social sources, personnel potentials and international relations. For years we are respecting our friends striding with us for their rights and wishes to be with us till the end. It is vital that those political parties with pretentions opposing opportunities support leading forces of democratic camp in this process.
Regime, with a plan of annihilation and destroy opposition till today has somehow become self- confident. They believe that uncoordinated opposition parties will participate in elections with internal intrigue and scheming.
Actually, some opposition parties support regimes’ this plan either purposely or accidentally. Expectations and aims of those parties with illusory provisos and a format they initiate that doesn’t correspond with common interests for unification is personally not clear to me. Today disgracing and targeting each other of those having marched together with arms round each other in the meeting till recent days impede unification. And it is high time to openly speak with those petite parties that insist upon participation in election as an equal side considering themselves as the same potentials with Musavat Party, APFP, KPFP, Liberal Party and some other parties.
How many potentials, members and supporters do they have to participate in election and get some seats in parliament? What is the level of their candidates’ reputation and chances? Occurrence in Parliament elections in 2005 demonstrated that some candidates could poll votes not owing to their personal reputation, but prestige of a number of opposition forces. Candidates’ list must be sufficiently serious and realistic.
So if for the sake of people and nation each political party and leader makes more steps back from his pretension and personal feelings, it will be easier to achieve international support.
Let small parties and organizations not strive for representation on a basis of parity with PFPA, Musavat, Popular Front Party of Classics, Liberal party and deviate from their pretension not couple of paces but tens of paces. Let potential and real opposition identify its candidate for each constituency and small parties not to be jealous to the list if it illustrates reality, where their candidates are smaller in number. And let a list surround all strata of society. (Civil society, intellectuals, doctor, journalist and so on).
Today, definition of this list and then starting discussions with international organizations can help gaining international support we have been striving for a long time.
At the moment there are two main issues under discussion with regard to elections in political colure: unification of opposition and international backing.
Unification of opposition isn’t dependant on international support at all. On the contrary, international community will give us a patronage we are in suspense if coalition is obtained. I was a witness of this in the meeting with international missions. Nobody will fight against regime for us. To expect international organizations to fight against Azerbaijan government and ask for a quite clear patronage is not only a way out of a situation and also it is not possible to realize it.
We must simplify an answer to a question to Azerbaijan government, international organizations, and or protesting electorates who real opposition is and who represented by. We must ‘help” them in a choice.
Our friends also ask that, who will guarantee that parliamentary elections of 2005 will not recur. And they add that even if a coalition is established, still elections are going to be falsified by the regime, and coalition anyway will be collapsed depending on election result; new traitors and betrayers will emerge.
All offers and variants have been distinguished and made out before being put forward. Regretfully we don’t have other choice but get unified. It is difficult to say what will be what. Let public punish those who betray opposition’s unification.
Razi Nurullayev
Deputy Chairman of Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA) on external affairs